LES School News

Vol. 3 February 26, 2025
February 26, 2025

LES School News

Principal's Corner

Hello Lion Families! March is here and were diving right into Read Across America Week. I have a few reminders about our drop off safety, EOD procedures, and pick up times. The appropriate drop off locations are the POV lane or cafeteria doors not the front door. If you require morning care on Thursday’s due to Late Start, school starts one hour later than normal (0750/TH 0850), please come to the front office and fill out the form and then walk your student to the appropriate location to be signed in. If you are ever late to school, you still need to walk your student in and sign them in at the Front Office. Please refrain from dropping your child off before the scheduled time when staff will be present as this is for the safety of the students. Additionally, last call for students from class is 14:15 due to end of day movement making it difficult for our office staff to locate specific classes. We want to make dismissal as smooth as possible and to make sure the students go to the correct location. Therefore the last time to change after school travel plans is 13:00. Please email the attendance box or call the office (above). Thank you. -Dr. Bade

Teacher Tips

From Ms. Lester's 3rd Grade Class:


If you need more books for your student, head over to the Landstuhl Library. Their friendly staff will help the kiddos select books and will even buy new books that interest your student!


The appropriate drop-off locations are the POV lane or cafeteria doors, not the front door. Please refrain from dropping your child off before the scheduled time (0850) when staff will be present as this is the for the safety of the students.


Last call for students from class is 14:15 due to end of the day movement.


Last time to change after school travel plans is 13:00. Please email: LandstuhlEMS.attendance@eu.dodea.edu.

Dates to Remember: 

  • March 3-7 - Read Across America Spirit Week
  • March 4 - Teacher Workday. No Students.
  • March 27 - Teacher Workday. No Students.
  • March 28 - April 4 - Spring Break!

Re-Registration Time!

It's that time of year again! Time to re-register your students for next year or let us know if you'll be leaving LES.

Please Log onto the Aspen system (dodeasis.myfollett.com) and click the re-registration button.

This is DUE 14th of MARCH!

Read Across America Spirit Week!

Monday 3: Pajama Day

Tuesday 4: Read at Home

Wednesday 5: Read Under the Clouds (Subject to change with weather)

Thursday 6: Read Around the School

Friday 7: Read With a Flashlight

During this week students are encouraged to participate in READ-a-THON (March 2-8). Top Readers and Earners will win prizes after final tallies! Check your student's backpack for a tracking sheet.

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Management of student behavior is a responsibility shared by students, sponsors/parents/guardians, teachers, and the military command and school communities in general, in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01, “Student Rights and Responsibilities,” April 6, 2021. Student behavioral management consists of teaching and reinforcing positive student attitudes and behaviors. Students shall treat teachers, administrators, and other school staff with courtesy, fairness, and respect; and teachers, administrators, and other school staff shall treat students with courtesy, fairness, and respect. All students will be disciplined in a fair and appropriate manner. School administrators shall operate and maintain a safe school environment that is conducive to learning. School administration will ensure prompt investigation and response to incidents or complaints involving students made by students, parents, teachers, or DoDEA staff members.

In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1347.01, “Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures,” April 7, 2021, discipline shall be progressively and fairly administered. Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, verbal reprimands, conferences, detention, time-out, alternative in-school placements, school service programs, community service and counseling programs. Other behavior management techniques will be considered prior to resorting to more formal disciplinary actions that remove a student from school for a suspension (short or long term). Long-term suspension or expulsion following a first offense may be considered when a student poses an immediate threat to his or her safety or the safety of others (e.g., offenses involving firearms or other weapons, fighting or violence, or the possession, use, or sale of drugs). Additional rules and procedures can be reviewed in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1347.01.

School Hours

Grade School Hours Summer Hours
PK - 5 8:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. (M, T, W, F)  
PK - 5 9:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. (TH)  
Office 7:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Teachers 7:50 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.  
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